Create Notification
Allows authenticated users to create a notification. The user must be authenticated and authorized to create notifications for their account.
POST /user/createNotification
This route requires user authentication. Ensure the request includes authentication credentials that the middleware can verify.
Request Body
- phone (string): The phone number associated with the user's account. Must match the authenticated user's phone number.
- sender (string): The sender's identifier.
- receiver (string): The receiver's identifier.
- content (string): The content of the notification.
Success Response
- Status Code: 200 OK
- Body:
{ "message": "Notification created", "notification": {} }
Error Responses
- Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
- Body:
{ "message": "Unauthorized" }
- Body:
- Status Code: 403 Forbidden
- Body:
{ "message": "User not authorized" }
- Body:
- Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
- Body:
{ "message": "Notification creation failed" }
- Body: