Getting Started with KarmaPay

Generating a Stripe API Keys

To use Stripe with KarmaPay, you'll need to generate a Stripe API key. This key enables KarmaPay to initiate transactions and process payments via Stripe. Follow the below steps to generate your Stripe API key:

Step 1: Sign In to Stripe

Step 2: Navigate to the Developers Section

  • After logging in, click on Developers in the top menu.
  • Then, select API Keys from the sidebar.

Step 3: Generate API Key

  • If you haven’t already created an API key, click on Create Secret Key.
  • Once your API keys are generated, you will see both a publishable key and a secret key. Copy these keys and store them securely.

Further Reading

For detailed instructions on API key generation and best practices, refer to the Stripe API Documentation (opens in a new tab).